
Sunday, September 20, 2009

263 - Back Bay Sunset

From 365 Project
Sunset over Back Bay in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We spent the afternoon and evening with a drive in the country ending up at Sandbridge. Along the way we visited two wineries in Knotts Island North Carolina. All in all, a very nice day and evening. Canon 40D, 1/20 sec @ F/5.0, ISO 200.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

really really like this one David.

Susan said...

Absolutely Gorgeous!!!

ccndray said...


Les said...

That is a beautiful shot. It has been years since I have been to Knotts Island, and you just may have prompted me to visit again.

CIOPhoto said...

Thanks everyone for the comments, I really appreciate them. I had actually posted a different picture first and my wife Cindy urged me to change it to this one. As always, she was right!

Anonymous said...

Grammy should start her own photo blog page! :+)