
Monday, September 21, 2009

264 - Double Nickel

From 365 Project
Today is my birthday so I thought I'd try to pay tribute to the occasion. This macro close-up of two nickels, one of the old series and one of the new series, shows the toll that the years take on coins as they bang together in pockets, cash drawers and vending machines. I hope nobody takes a 1X macro photo of me, I suspect I've fared worse than the nickels. Canon Rebel XTi, 1/60 sec @ f/11.0, ISO 200, 65mm macro lens. Lighting provided by two manual strobes on either side fired through the white sides of a Light Shed. I used slightly different power levels, one at 1/4 and one at 1/8 to help contrast the coins. Converted to black and white in Photoshop Elements using Silver Efex Pro.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.......

Susan said...

Happy Birthday David!! Love the photo!!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Indeed, Happy Birthday. What an interesting comparison-- almost hard to believe the two are the same size.

Les said...

Did you take any pictures of your Monticello? Happy Birthday!

Cait said...

Happy Belated! Incredible sharp detail on those knicks in nickels!

CIOPhoto said...

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.